Monday 9 April 2007

Happy Easter!


Easter was unfortunately very unproductive for me animation-wise. I have one more chance to try tomorrow! And finish the scene I was working on, along with two more short ones that should take half a day each. Then I get to tackle monster scenes. Ugh. I should be doing inbetweens now, not clean keys.

Reminder to self: Allow extra time for unpredictable events. Because something will always, ALWAYS happen to spoil a perfect plan.

Well, the plan was originally to take a ONE day break. So I caught up in all the comics I wanted to keep up with. AAAAND, it only took an extra hour, but I finally booted up a ghetto version of my webpage! So, after empty promises of almost a year (wahhh!), Love Letters is finally up. Yay! So in the unlikely case that you've been checking regularly, it is now up. And to my surprise, I've been getting one hit at least every once in a while. I'm a little surprised. ^^;

And that's about it! Happy Easter, hope you all had a good one!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Hey dude!! How's it going? Ah ha ha...I miss you and everyone else so much. ;___; George is keeping me very busy - too busy, really, but...then again, I'm not on cleanup deadline. I am assuming that you guys are already into the throughs of DIP with of luck, and if you need any Opus or Photoshop help, let me know, ok?
Best of luck to you and everyone else! We's gotsta hang out sometime!!